我眼中的辽宁 | 马豪森:我在大连挺好的
来源:北斗融媒  |  2022-10-04 14:18:20

  原标题:我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的  

我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的

我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的

我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的

  The 3rd Belt and Road Youth English Speaking Competition & China Daily “21st Century Cup” International English Speaking Competition was held in 2021. As foreign students in Dalian University of Foreign languages, my classmates and I took part in the speech competition and won satisfying prizes. During the whole process, I got close to Chinese culture and had a good command of Chinese society. In addition, I made friends with lots of Chinese people. Their friendly words as well as polite etiquette make me feel at home. Through the communication among different countries, we feel diversified national cultures and embracing international environment.

  2021年第三届 "一带一路 "青年英语演讲比赛暨中国日报社 "21世纪杯 "国际英语演讲比赛隆重举行。作为大连外国语大学的留学生,我和同学们参加了演讲比赛并获得了满意的成绩。在整个过程中,我离中国文化更近了,对中国社会有了一定的了解。此外,我还结识了很多中国人。他们友好的话语和礼貌的礼节让我感到宾至如归。通过不同国家之间的交流,我们感受到了多元的民族文化和包容的国际环境。

我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的

  Dalian tram shuttled back and forth in streets, passengers go up and down. The first time I came here, I noticed this unique transportation. This kind of green tram is full of historical atmosphere and sense of story. At that time, the height f summer, cool breeze blows greenery trees and fragrant flowers. The time-honored Dalian tram has great reputation around the country. After local people’s introduction, I get to know this kind of tram only exists in Dalian and other cities had faded. This unique transportation is not only a convenient tool, but also a carrier for historical culture to modern society.


我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的

我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的

我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的

  Fuguo Park is a night-view celebrity check-in place in Dalian. It is very lively here at night. In fact, if you have been here during the day and walked from the top of the mountain, you will find that the daytime here is just as beautiful and spectacular.The night of a city may be mysterious, lively, or beautiful.The reason why Fuguo Park has become an Internet celebrity check-in place is because the night scene seen here is more beautiful, and the buildings under the mountain are lined up.  Here, it looks so real.

  富国公园是大连的一个夜景名人入住的地方。这里的夜晚非常热闹。其实,如果你白天来过这里,从山顶走过,你会发现这里的白天也一样美丽壮观。一个城市的夜晚,可能是神秘的,可能是热闹的,也可能是美丽的。富国公园之所以成为网红打卡地,是因为这里看到的夜景更美,山下的建筑鳞次栉比。 在这里,它看起来是那么真实。

我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的

我眼中的辽宁 | 我在大连挺好的

  The third year I came to Dalian, I have experienced four seasons in this wonderful city. The most beautiful scenery I have seen is Dalian’s fall. The fall in the campus of Dalian University of Foreign Languages attract us to go out for walking. My friends and I walked on the road and appreciated the amazing scenes. Gold and red occupied my eyes, everything shines brightly. The romantic environment and poetic atmosphere made me fall in thoughts. This sort of charm is rooted from the city and its feeling. The more I get to know the local culture, the more I fall in love with its beauty.

