我眼中的辽宁 | 学在辽宁
来源:北斗融媒  |  2022-10-05 16:00:28

  Before I came to China to study, my understanding of China was only that it was a country with a long history and culture and a vast territory. When I came to China, I realized that the reality of China was far more than I had ever known. In recent years, the development speed of China has made me sigh, and Liaoning, a simple, honest and enthusiastic city, also makes me look forward to the future life of studying abroad.


  Studying in China is the most important turning point in my life. It also makes me have many firsts in my life, such as the first time to go abroad, the first time to meet foreign friends, the first time to pay by mobile phone, the first time to take the subway, etc. All these firsts leave a deep impression on me. Slowly, I adapted to the life of studying abroad.


  For me, the past over two years have been like a dream. A few years ago, I would not have believed that things would change the world dramatically in the future, but the outbreak of the epidemic caught us by surprise.


  Every outbreak makes people feel uneasy, but under the leadership of Liaoning Provincial government and school, I have to admit that China's prevention and control work has brought me a sense of security. Every time we were led by the teachers to do the nucleic acid detection for fear that we had a problem. Additionally, because the school is in a closed state, delivery or Courier can't be made. Therefore we can't buy food for cooking, so the school leaders and teachers came to help us and provided us with food and meat, making our life more convenient, which let me deeply feel the great responsibility of the leaders and teachers. We should work together to do a good job and attach importance to the prevention and control work. We should fight side by side and work together to overcome the difficulties. I believe that tomorrow will be better.


  At the end of September 2020, my school, Shenyang Normal University, organized the "Feeling China - Liaoning" activity to lead overseas students to visit the countryside in Shenyang. This activity is very attractive to me as I have never been to the rural areas of China, so I also take this opportunity to follow the leaders and teachers to visit and understand the real life in the rural areas of China.


  Although it is not as developed and prosperous as the city, it has beautiful scenery and fresh air, which bring people a different kind of beauty. There is no denying that the situation here and living environment is completely beyond I expected. So my friend said just like a joke "why can’t I see it is a poor place?" From that, it can be seen that liaoning province, with the help of government policy has helped the farmers out of poverty. It also shows that liaoning province has perfectly completed the big task given by the government.


  It was a trip worth knowing. Through this activity, I learned a lot and knew more about rural China, such as farmers' income sources, planting and feeding, and felt the efforts of Liaoning provincial government for people's happy life.


  Living in Liaoning more or less let me truly feel and understand the people and things in Liaoning, being shocked at the booming development of Liaoning. In the future, I would like to go to other places in Liaoning to have a deeper understanding of the life and culture of Liaoning, record the local customs here, tell my friends and share with them the true stories of what I have met, seen and understood in Liaoning.



