我眼中的辽宁 | 我给“老外”泡杯茶
来源:北斗融媒  |  2022-10-05 16:15:27

Make a tea for you


  My name is Hunter. I am 10 years old.I am a grade 5 student in No1.Chaoyang primary school.I am interested in Chinese traditional culture.This summer,I did an interesting study of tea ,and made tea for all my foreign friends.Before drinking, let me tell the history of the tea culture.


  Tea culture,one of the representations of Chinese culture,refer to the cultural characteristics formed in the process of tea-drinking, including tea ceremony,tea virtues,tea spirits,tea couplets,tea classics,tea sets,tea paintings,tea study and stories.


我眼中的辽宁 | 我给“老外”泡杯茶

  Chinese tea culture emerged as early as over 5000 years ago,while during the Three Kingdom Period ,people paid more attention to its medical value. In Tang Dynasty, tea-tasting became a liking for literati ,who would,while drinking tea, recite poems with rhythm or write some poem to show how enjoyable it was . In this way, tea culture occupies an important place that makes Chinese culture a significant part in the world . Also, there are virtues of the Chinese nation in its tea culture . For example , when a guest arrives ,it is a social convention for the host to entertain him by making some tea.

  中国的茶文化早在5000多年前就出现了,而在三国时期,人们更注重其医疗价值。到了唐代,品茶成为文人的一种喜好,他们一边喝茶,一边吟诗作对,或者写一些诗,这是一种享受。 茶文化就占据了重要地位,使中国文化在世界上占有重要地位。同时,在茶文化中也有中华民族的美德。例如,当一个客人到来时,主人通过泡茶来招待他,这是一种社会惯例。

我眼中的辽宁 | 我给“老外”泡杯茶

  I would like to show foreigners how to make tea.I used two kinds of tools.The first one was dark-red enameled pottery teapot.First,put hot water in the pot,and fill the water in the empty glasses,and pour the water in an empty bottle.This step is called “Thermos”.Next,put tea in the teapot,add water in the pot.Wait 15 seconds.Then,I poured the tea in a big cup that was called maple pouring cup.After that, pouring the tea water into small cups.

  我想向外国人展示如何泡茶,我用了两种工具,第一种是暗红色的搪瓷茶壶,首先在壶里放热水,在空杯子里装水,在空瓶子里倒水,这个步骤叫 “温杯,然后在茶壶里放茶,在壶里加水,等15秒,然后把茶倒在一个大杯子里,这个杯子叫倾杯,之后把茶水倒在小杯子里。

  My foreign friends came from 8 different countries,such UK、The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia、Islamic Republic of Pakistan、Germany and so on.They all were interested in making Chinese tea.There were two steps,smelling and drinking.We must drink for three mouthfuls of tea.If the cup was empty,you must bend your thumb and middle finger,  knock at the table softly.That means you wanted more. They did like this.We laughed happily.



